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Founded in 2012, the Urban Law Center at Fordham Law School seeks to investigate and improve the role of the law and legal systems in contemporary urbanism. It promotes an interdisciplinary understanding of the legal, governance, and regulatory aspects of urban environments by advancing collaborative research and scholarship, organizing local and global convenings, and supporting knowledge sharing, career pathways and pedagogy in the world of urban law. In particular, the Center’s efforts focus on forces that shape urban inequality and urban innovation, targeting the most pressing issues facing our nation’s cities and their metropolitan regions.

Affiliated Faculty
Susan Block-Lieb
Professor of Law
Cooper Family Chair in Urban Legal Issues
Elizabeth Cooper
Associate Professor of Law
Faculty Director, Feerick Center for Social Justice
Nestor Davidson
Albert A. Walsh Chair in Real Estate, Land Use and Property Law;
Faculty Director, Urban Law Center
Gregory T. Donovan
Assistant Professor, Fordham College at Lincoln Center
Brian Glick
Clinical Associate Professor of Law
Jennifer Gordon
Professor of Law
Aaron Saiger
Professor of Law
Clare Huntington
Joseph M. McLaughlin
Professor of Law
Olivier Sylvain
Associate Professor of Law
Kimani Paul-Emile
Professor of Law
Associate Director & Head of Domestic Programs and Initiatives, Center on Race, Law & Justice;
Faculty Co-Director, Stein Center for Law & Ethics.
Rosemary Wakeman
Professor of History
Coordinator of University Urban Initiatives
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