Founded in 2012, the Urban Law Center at Fordham Law School seeks to investigate and improve the role of the law and legal systems in contemporary urbanism. It promotes an interdisciplinary understanding of the legal, governance, and regulatory aspects of urban environments by advancing collaborative research and scholarship, organizing local and global convenings, and supporting knowledge sharing, career pathways and pedagogy in the world of urban law. In particular, the Center’s efforts focus on forces that shape urban inequality and urban innovation, targeting the most pressing issues facing our nation’s cities and their metropolitan regions.

2016 Events
3rd Annual International & Comparative Urban Law Conference (University of Hong Kong)
Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Venue: The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus
The Fordham Urban Law Center, in conjunction with the University of Hong Kong (HKU), is pleased to announce a call for participation in the 3rd Annual International and Comparative Urban Law Conference, to be held on Wednesday, June 29, 2016. The all-day Conference will be held at HKU in Pokfulum, Hong Kong.
TOPICS: The Conference will provide a dynamic forum for legal and other scholars to engage and generate diverse international, comparative, and interdisciplinary perspectives in the burgeoning field of urban law. The Conference will explore overlapping themes, tensions, and opportunities for deeper scholarly investigation and practice with a comparative perspective. The Conference is open to urban law topics across a broad spectrum, such as:
- Structure and workings of local authority and autonomy
- Urban and metropolitan governance and finance
- Economic and community development
- Housing and the built environment
- Urban public health
- Migration and citizenship
- Urban equity and inclusion
- Sustainability
The goal of the Conference is to facilitate an in-depth engagement across sub-specialties within the legal academy to help deepen our understanding of urban law in the twenty-first century.
Urban Law Day With UN
Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2016, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Venue: United Nations Conference Building
Conference Room 5
Enter at East 46th Street
Urban Law Day 2016 will bring into focus the often overlooked role of law in shaping the world’s rapidly transforming urban centers. The theme of this event is sustainable urbanization. This year’s program will include a series of dynamic, interactive sessions designed to bring the Fordham Law School community, U.N. legal experts, and leadership from Permanent Missions and local government into dialogue around key themes found in the U.N.’s forthcoming urban agenda, Habitat III. Habitat III will be released in Quito in October 2016. This event is co-sponsored by the Urban Law Center, the Center’s research partner UN-HABITAT, and the Fordham Urban Law Journal.
Robert Lewis-Lettington, Chief, Urban Legislation Unit, UN-HABITAT
Yamina Djacta, Director, New York Office, UN-HABITAT
Nisha Mistry, Urban Law Center, Fordham University
Bradley Reid, Legislative Drafting Unit, NYC Council
Justice Zione Ntaba, Judge, High Court of Malawi
Dean Nestor Davidson, Fordham School of Law, Fordham University
Prof. Olivier Sylvain, Urban Law Center, Fordham University
Prof. Sheila Foster, Fordham University Urban Consortium
Fordham Urban Law Journal Annual Spring Symposium: Home Rule in an Era of Municipal Innovation
Date: Thursday, April 7, 2016
Location: Moot Courtroom
9:30 - 10 a.m., check-in.
10 a.m. - 4 p.m., program.
Dean Matthew Parlow, Marquette University Law School
Prof. Kenneth Stahl, Chapman University School of Law
Prof. Paul Diller - Willamette University College of Law
Prof. Robert Pecorella, St. John's School of Law
Prof. Richard Schragger - University of Virginia Law School
Prof. Frank Zerunyan - University of Southern California, Price School of Public Policy
Prof. Annie Decker, Fordham Law School
Prof. Ashira Ostrow, Hofstra University School of Law
CLE credit available. For questions please email symposium@urbanlawjournal.com
This event is free and open to the public. Co-sponsored by the Urban Law Center.
Fordham Law School Community Economic Development Clinic & Fordham Urban Law Center present:
A Talk through NYC’s Gardens, Parks & Community Spaces
Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 4 – 6 p.m.
Location: Room 3-09
An exploration of real estate assets stewarded by communities outside NYC’s speculation-driven land market, with Paula Z. Segal, Esq., founder of 596 Acres, Inc., CED Clinical Instructor & Urban Law Center Fellow.
Refreshments will be served.
Co-sponsored by 596 Acres, Fordham Public Interest Resource Center (PIRC), Fordham Housing Advocacy Project, Fordham Social Innovation Collaboratory, Fordham Environmental Law Advocates, Stein Council, Feerick Center & the Fordham Urban Consortium.
A Conversation About Legal Careers in Tenant Advocacy and Affordable Housing Preservation & Development
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2016. 5 – 6:15 p.m.
Location: 7-03
A Roundtable with FLS Alumni:
Nakeeb Siddique ’06, Staff Attorney, Housing Unit, Legal Aid Society of New York City
Dan Hafetz ’10, Senior Advisor to General Counsel, New York City Housing Authority
Kathryn Nielson ’06, Senior Housing Attorney, Legal Services NYC-Bronx
Jessica Rose ’01, Director, Community Economic Development Program, Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A
Moderators: Eva Schneider '18 & Jannon S. Stein ’18
Refreshments will be served.
Co-sponsored by the Urban Law Center, Feerick Center for Social Justice, Stein Center, Career
Planning Center, PIRC, Housing Advocacy Project
Exilic Cultural Spaces: How Public Housing And State Neglect In England Allowed Pirate Radio To Flourish—And Why It Matters
Date: Thursday, March 10th, 2016, 3 - 4 pm.
Location: 3-06
In England, illegal, unlicensed radio broadcasting has served the needs of communities excluded from dominant culture—immigrants, ethnic minorities, working-class and Black communities, and youth. These broadcasts have deeply influenced popular music, and pirate radio persists to this day despite the availability of web radio broadcasting. These stations' main history is in public housing projects whose geography & social context served to protect and foster a vibrant and expressive culture. Exclusion and illegality, especially when combined with specific aspects of public infrastructure, can help foster communities' culture on their own terms. Taking this seriously requires that we also question the extent to which digital radio is as capable of meeting community needs, or whether it will be a paradoxically more hostile environment for musics of marginalized people.
Dr. Larisa Kingston Mann has a PhD in Jurisprudence & Social Policy from UC Berkeley Law School and a M.Sc in Economic History from the London School of Economics.
Co-sponsored by the Urban Law Center
Pathways to Practice: ​A Conversation About Legal Career in City Government Roundtable with FLS Alumni in NYC Government
Date: Tuesdays, February 9, 2016. 5 - 6:15 p.m.
Location: Room 7-119
Jasmine Georges, Senior Counsel, Administrative Law Division, NYC Law Department
Steven Newmark, Sr. Health Policy Advisor and Counsel to the Deputy Mayor for Health & Human Services, NYC City Hall
Chantal Senatus, Deputy General Counsel, NYC Dept. of Investigations
Moderator: Michael Levario (FLS '16/3L)